Enrollment Criteria

Early Development Services works with the Department of Social Services and California Department of Education to provide early care and education services for children ages 6 weeks to entry kindergarten. Services vary by location and are delivered by a center-based program or family child care home Educator option. Our Nationally Accredited Programs are available at affordable rates and offer subsidized services to qualifying families. Formula, baby food, breakfast, diapers, lunch, and an afternoon snack are included with all center based services.

Subsidized Early Care and Education Services are available (pending funding allocations and space limitations) to families that meet the qualifications based on income, family size, and need, such as: employment, job training, homelessness, and child protective services.

California law requires all children must be up to date on their immunizations to be enrolled and continue to update them as needed. Children who are not immunized for vaccine-preventable diseases will be excluded unless a medical exemption is provided by a licensed physician.

For those families enrolled, recertification must be completed on a 24 month basis in order to continue receiving services.


Family SizeFamily Monthly Income Family Yearly Income
1-2 $7,759 $93,110
3 $8,790 $105,482
4 $10,249 $122,993
5 $11,889 $142,672
6 $13,529 $162,350
7 $13,837 $166,040
8 $14,144 $169,730
9 $14,452 $173,420
10 $14,759 $177,109
11 $15,067 $180,799
12 $15,374 $184,489


Family SizeFamily Monthly Income Family Yearly Income
1-2 $6,595 $79,143
3 $7,472 $89,660
4 $8,712 $104,544
5 $10,106 $121,271
6 $11,500 $137,998
7 $11,761 $141,134
8 $12,023 $144,270
9 $12,284 $147,407
10 $12,545 $150,543
11 $12,807 $153,679
12 $13,068 $156,816

For subsidized services, first priority is given to families whose children are recipients of child protective services, or who are at risk of being neglected, abused, or exploited, upon written referral from a legal, medical, or social services agency. Within the first priority for services children receiving protective services through the local county welfare department shall be enrolled before children identified as at risk of being neglected, abused, or exploited. If EDS is unable to enroll a child in this first priority category, we shall refer parent/guardians to local resources and referral services so that services for the child can be located. Second priority shall be given to all children and families who are not within the first priority for admission and shall be admitted in accordance with family income, with the lowest income ranked families admitted first. For purposes of determining the order of admission, families with the lowest gross monthly income in relation to family size as determined by the income ranking schedule adopted by the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) and/or the California Department of Education (CDE) shall be admitted first. Public assistance grants are counted as income. When two or more families have the same income ranking, the family that has a child with exceptional needs shall be admitted first. If there is no family with a child with exceptional needs, the family in which the primary home language is a language other than English shall be admitted next. If there is no family with the same income ranking that meet the criteria in above, the family with the same income ranking that has been on the waiting list the longest shall be admitted first.